The Milky Way is sort of a spinning record made out of stars. It measures 100,000 light years across and 1,000 light years thick. The point that's halfway between the top and bottom of this disk of stars is known as the Galactic Equator. The position of any object in space is measured by astronomers by employing a system that's like the latitude and longitude coordinate system that's used on earth. But astronomers also use another measurement system known as the galactic coordinate system for measuring the position of objects in space. This system uses the Galactic Equator to gauge the position.
The measuring system that utilises the galactic equator for measuring the position of objects in space uses the sun as the center point. A 0 degree ling is drawn from the sun to the galactic equator. Objects that are positioned above or below the galactic equator may also be measured using this system. The north galactic pole is situated 90 degrees above the galactic equator and the south galactic pole is situated ninety degrees below the galactic equator. The solar system is said to bounce above and below the galactic equator. The solar system takes 64 years to finish one full cycle above and below the centre of the Milky Way. A popular myth assumes that the solar system will cross the galactic equator after 2012. Nevertheless many scientists have dismissed this to be false and say it's just a myth and no such thing should occur. Regardless of whether such an event occurs, no serious danger will be caused. Nevertheless analysts say that there could be some repercussions in case the sun rises over the galactic disk. Possible increase in comets and meteors are foretold but all these might turn out to be completely fake. Radiation and cosmic rays are another aspects that we may have to be afraid of. There's an increased risk of comets being hurled towards earth because of the gravitational forces present on earth. The gravitational communication between objects and the densest part of the Milky Way may cause these objects to be thrown towards earth.
Mayan astronomy and mythology forecasts a dark rift feature lies along the galactic equator and this is the place where the sun will reside in 2012. Therefore, a huge cross will be formed comprising of the Milky Way and the ecliptic line between the Sagittarius and Scorpio constellations. The Mayans called this cross the sacred tree or the crossroads. The Mayans anticipated an event will occur on earth in 2012. Their astrology attests this because of the holy tree formation that appears in the stars in this year. This area that forms the sacred cross is commonly called the nuclear bulge among astronomers. The center of the Milky Way or the nuclear bulge is detectable by the bare eye from earth. It's the widest and the brightest area of the entire Milky Way. The alignment that will happen in 2012 is the alignment between the December sun and the Galactic center.