Building Your End of the World Survival Kit

There is a lot of useless hype being circulated lately concerning the year 2012 and the ultimate consequences upon its arrival. In the normal scheme of things we are experiencing strange weather occurrences, unusual solar activities and a general feeling that something is entirely wrong with the way our world and universe is functioning. To top is all off we have Columbia Pictures science fiction disaster movie directed by Roland Emmerich influencing many people's attitudes.

The movie relies upon the Mayan calendar as predicting a phenomenon of cataclysmic actions taking place in the year 2012. Although the movie showed great promise as an apocalyptic event predicting the end of life as we know it there is actually no truth what so ever in its composition. The only valid point in the complete hypotheses is that everyone should have a survival kit ready to ensure their safety when we continue to experience our unpredictable weather phenomenon.

To start your list you would do well to have the usual supplies that one frequently includes in their bug out or go bag. Include items such as food, water and clothing while providing sufficient thought to both your shelter requirements and a means of transportation. Let's briefly cover each of these items in detail.


I have enough food stored to last my family and I for a complete year. To test this theory we purchased as planned and then stopped buying additional food and used only what we had in storage. So as not to complicate the lives of my grandson and wife we decided to forego the use of powdered milk and like items during the course of the experiment. In view of the instability of our economy I would suggest to everyone that they too maintain a year's supply of food.

In our supply of food we included a mixture of canned foods and dehydrated or freeze dried products. We had freeze-dried vegetables, fruit and nuts. Although during the period of the test many of our meats were frozen we did have some in cans as well. Having nothing what so ever to do with 2012, we do happen to save replenishment seeds such as carrots, cabbage, celery, eggplants, potatoes and tomatoes. The purpose behind these seed banks is in the event we must drop out of society we would at least have the means to grow our fresh vegetables.

Since both my grandson and I are hunters and fishermen we keep a small supply of associated gear readily available. My near future goal includes learning the fundamental of trapping as well.

In our emergency tote we have the usual basic kitchen utensils, an abundance of storage containers which have the snaps on four sides. We have found these are not only inexpensive to purchase but are excellent for keeping pests from the foods. We have a dedicated set of pots and pans that are to be used just for such an emergency. Nothing is worse then to run around collecting items only to discover later that something vital was overlooked. This unfortunate situation happens even if checklists are employed.


In our home we maintain five gallon water containers and in the bug out kit we like to keep a water filter of some type. The filter will allow us to obtain clean water in the field. Please be advised here and now that a water filter is no guarantee that the liquid is drinkable and safe. It is best to boil all water after filtering it.


Clothing will vary according to the season that you have to bug out. Summer clothing will be different than that used in your winter evacuation. Unfortunately few of us are capable of transporting both summer and winter clothing at the same time so plan accordingly. In the winter you may wish to store up on boots, gloves, sweaters, a winter jacket and waterproof gear while in the summer time you may want shorts, T-shirts and light shoes. Always include an inexpensive sewing kit such as found in the "Dollar Tree" with each bag of clothing.


A shelter is generally not a problem in my case as I am a firm believer in the use of RV's for bug out vehicles, particularly if you can find a small one that has a 4 or 6 cylinder engine such as is found in the Toyotas motor homes. In some cases you may have to purchase a high quality tent along with sleeping bag for all of the family members.


Once again the matter of transportation for me is rather simple since I use an RV however for others it may be a bit more involved. Perhaps you will employ a SUV, van or some sort of bicycle or ATV. In areas that are prone to flooding you may wish to consider some sort of boat or water craft such as a pontoon boat.

Miscellaneous Items

Stock up on batteries, a first aid kit, waterproof matches; wind up lanterns and communications equipment. Remember it isn't 2012 that we have to be concerned with but rather our normal day to day emergencies and disasters.

Will The World Arrive To A Close In 2012?

The Milky Way is sort of a spinning record made out of stars. It measures 100,000 light years across and 1,000 light years thick. The point that's halfway between the top and bottom of this disk of stars is known as the Galactic Equator. The position of any object in space is measured by astronomers by employing a system that's like the latitude and longitude coordinate system that's used on earth. But astronomers also use another measurement system known as the galactic coordinate system for measuring the position of objects in space. This system uses the Galactic Equator to gauge the position.

The measuring system that utilises the galactic equator for measuring the position of objects in space uses the sun as the center point. A 0 degree ling is drawn from the sun to the galactic equator. Objects that are positioned above or below the galactic equator may also be measured using this system. The north galactic pole is situated 90 degrees above the galactic equator and the south galactic pole is situated ninety degrees below the galactic equator. The solar system is said to bounce above and below the galactic equator. The solar system takes 64 years to finish one full cycle above and below the centre of the Milky Way. A popular myth assumes that the solar system will cross the galactic equator after 2012. Nevertheless many scientists have dismissed this to be false and say it's just a myth and no such thing should occur. Regardless of whether such an event occurs, no serious danger will be caused. Nevertheless analysts say that there could be some repercussions in case the sun rises over the galactic disk. Possible increase in comets and meteors are foretold but all these might turn out to be completely fake. Radiation and cosmic rays are another aspects that we may have to be afraid of. There's an increased risk of comets being hurled towards earth because of the gravitational forces present on earth. The gravitational communication between objects and the densest part of the Milky Way may cause these objects to be thrown towards earth.

Mayan astronomy and mythology forecasts a dark rift feature lies along the galactic equator and this is the place where the sun will reside in 2012. Therefore, a huge cross will be formed comprising of the Milky Way and the ecliptic line between the Sagittarius and Scorpio constellations. The Mayans called this cross the sacred tree or the crossroads. The Mayans anticipated an event will occur on earth in 2012. Their astrology attests this because of the holy tree formation that appears in the stars in this year. This area that forms the sacred cross is commonly called the nuclear bulge among astronomers. The center of the Milky Way or the nuclear bulge is detectable by the bare eye from earth. It's the widest and the brightest area of the entire Milky Way. The alignment that will happen in 2012 is the alignment between the December sun and the Galactic center.

Benefits of the World's Top Luxury Credit Cards

Even if some portion of Americans are struggling with unemployment and mounting debt, the wealthy among us are thriving. World-wide there has been an increase in folks getting some of these luxury products, and chances are we've seen someone flash one of these around town. While still fairly rare, are these luxury credit cards still as prestigious as they once were? And what kinds of perks do cardholders enjoy?

The American Express Centurion Card

American express introduced the "Black Card" back in 1999. This seems like a relatively short time on the market, given how ubiquitous the Centurion now is, and it's probably due to that fact that rumors of this card date back to the 1980s. This card is arguably the most internationally recognized signs of luxury, prestige, and exclusivity. The success of the Centurion is due, not just to its distinctive black appearance, but to its construction as well. American Express began the practice of minting exclusive credit cards out of something other than plastic, and it started with the Centurion (which is made from titanium). The card seems relatively "cool" already, but if you want the chance to tote your own "Black Card" you may have to wait awhile: they're offered through invitation only (to current American Express cardholders who spend at least $250,000 annually). This is a charge card, so the balance must be paid in full, and no interest is assessed. However, the annual fee is $2,500 (plus an initial set-up fee of $5,000). And what perks do you earn? Pretty impressive ones like a personal 24-hour concierge, amazing travel benefits, like rewards, travel discounts, airfare and upgrades and companion tickets, entrance to airport lounges, a personal shopper, and the opportunity to be included in selective programs, etc. Although this card is expensive to own, the perks are impressive and nothing says luxury credit card like Centurion.

The American Express Platinum Card

Prior to American Express Centurion, one of the most exclusive credit cards on the market was the Platinum Card. This prestigious card has a more reasonable fee ($450) than Centurion, but tends to be comparable compared to the other options on this list. And while people in the know will immediately recognize the prestige inherent in owning this card, it doesn't scream "luxury", and is made from plastic like most credit cards. One of the best kept secrets is that the benefits are nearly identical to those offered by the Centurion card. With the Platinum Card you'll receive 24-hour personal concierge service, be enrolled in the American Express rewards program (plus an extra 25,000 points the first year), travel rewards, companion airfare, airport lounges, a $200 airline credit, and Global Entry (this lets you skip U.S. Customs lines). You can see how this credit card pays for itself if you use it for all your purchases. Ultimately, this card is not the most exclusive luxury credit card on the block, but you get a lot of rewards for a reasonable price.

The Black Card Visa Card

The Black Card Visa is often confusing to people who mistake this card with the American Express Centurion. The Black Card Visa is made by Barclay, and didn't come onto the market until 2008. This card, often mistaken for Centurion, capitalizes on some other unique features of Centurion. While Centurion is made of titanium, the Black Card Visa is made of a patent-pending carbon material, making this light-weight card a breeze to carry everywhere. This card is not invitation-only like Centurion, however it is only used by an exclusive 1% of the population. The specs are similar to the Platinum Card: the annual membership cost is $495 a year, and Black Card Visa cardholders generally charge thousands of dollars to their credit cards every year. With this card you'll get one percent cash back annually (with no limits), a 24-hour concierge service, two free airport lounge visits per year (additional visits may be purchased after the first two), complimentary companion tickets, airline upgrades, access to other exclusive discounts, promotions, and deals. Finally, it should be noted that the Black Card Visa is accepted everywhere the Visa logo is, giving anyone who owns this card some additional spending power.

The Chase Palladium Card

The JP Morgan Chase Palladium card might be the height of elite luxury items. While it's only been around since the summer of 2011, over half of the world's billionaires already carry this the Chase Palladium. Part of what adds to the prestige of this credit card is that it uses an estimated $1,000 worth of materials to make (for each one). It's possible because it is made from palladium, and includes a 23 karat gold engraving of your name. The card is also good for international transactions, as each one includes "Chip & PIN" technology. So how does one get one of these exclusive credit cards? By having significant investments (millions and billions of dollars' worth) with JP Morgan Chase. But what you get in return are impressive perks like 24-hour concierge, an Ultimate Rewards Program (with a rewards rate of 1-2%, and an exclusive bonus worth 35,000 points, when you spend more than $100,000 a year). It also gives you travel rewards, like companion tickets, travelers insurance, free upgrades, access to airport lounges, etc. All of this makes the Chase Palladium an incredibly prestigious credit card that solidifies its place in the luxury credit card hall-of-fame.

What do you think about these four exclusive credit cards? Are there others you'd add to the list? Think you'll ever own one of them someday? Leave your comments below!

End of the World Countdown - The Warning Against False Prophets Is More Serious Than We Thought!

In any written statement or proclamation, you can know that a particular clause is treated with utmost importance when it is repeated more than twice. In other words, when you see that kind of emphasis attached to a countdown of end of the world events in the Bible, you must treat it with the level of importance it requires.

As I said in a previous article, the 24th chapter of Matthew is my third most read prophecy besides Daniel and Revelation. One of the factors that elevated that prophecy to that level of importance in my estimation is the fact that a similar emphasis is placed on a particular warning - the warning is given to us in three different places in the same passage. And what is also interesting is the fact that this is the very first sign among a list of signs that Jesus gave in His intriguing countdown of end of the world events.

The important warning I am speaking about pertains to DECEPTION IN THE LAST DAYS. And according Jesus' prediction, these deceptions will be the work of many false prophets and false Christs.

In recognizing the danger to which His people will be exposed in the latter days, Jesus in His mercy has seen it fit to warn us three times in one conversation about these agents of Satan. The first statement that Jesus made in His prophecy of the signs of His coming is,

"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many" (vs 4-5).

Then later in the same conversation Jesus went on, "And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many" (vs 11).

The third warning came thirteen verses later when He further told them, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (vs 24).

This admonition must be very important to the salvation of our souls for it to be so often repeated in one conversation (another reason why I assert that prophecy is of salvational [salvivic] importance).

The real issue that this prophecy brought to view is the role that deception will play in the last days as a means of getting people to make the wrong decisions concerning their salvation and thus lose their souls.

All of us should know that Satan is a super intelligent being. What would take us a period of 4 or more years to learn in college can be absorbed by any angelic being in a matter of days! That's the level of intelligence we are up against! Therefore, we should not think of satanic deceptions in the end-time to be some clumsy imposture that can be easily detected.

For instance, if you are a deceiver and want to deceive a large group of people into believing a lie, which method would be most effective: getting somebody whom they don't know to deceive them, or getting somebody whom they know and who have influence over them to deceive them? Certainly, it would be the latter! Only those who have the most influence with you are capable of deceiving you.

I am asking this question because I want to put your mind in detective mode to think like the greatest deceiver of all time - Satan. If we in our own limited intellectual capacity can easily think up an idea like this off the top of our heads, you can imagine how much more superior the ideas that Satan, with his giant intellect, is capable of implementing in the last days to deceive the unsuspecting?

What I am trying to say is that when we read about the activities of false prophets in the last days anywhere in the Bible we must not envision some offbeat, fly-by-night evangelists or some infamous cult leaders who are more notorious for teaching outlandish falsehoods than anything else. If we can consider these to be ineffective deceivers, how much more Satan.

In light of Jesus' warning against false ministers of the gospel, we need to be more diligent and alert as students of the scriptures. As we continue our countdown of events leading up to the end of the world, we need to understand that this is not the time to be lazy thinkers and depend on the theologians for a knowledge of the scriptures. Only those who know the Bible for themselves and fortify their minds with its sacred truths will be able to withstand deception is the last days.

The World of Precious Gemstones

There is a big range of precious gemstone available . It is very important to store your gemstones properly to give them a long life. Store your gemstones: Jewels need space to remain free of chips. Store gemstones individually in soft cloth pouches and prevent jewels from bumping against one another.

Clean your gemstones regularly: Dust, skin oil and other unclean substances can cause your gemstones to lose their sparkle. Clean them from time to time in soap and water. Then let them air dry and polish them with a soft cloth.

Remove dirt from gemstones: Occasional brushing with a worn, soft-bristled toothbrush can help remove dirt from between crevices. For more resistant blemishes, use a weak solution of ammonia and water (about one part to four parts) and a soft brush.


The world's best Burma ruby originates in the lawless region where Laos, Burma, Thailand and China meet. This area has become known and widely romanticized as "The Golden Triangle". The location is off the beaten track. A large amount of wealth in rubies, jade, silver, lumber and above all, opium, begins its journey in this "Golden Triangle". It is the home of drug warlords, arms dealers, insurgent armies, latter-day slave traders and plain, old-fashioned bandits.


Today, Kashmir sapphires remain at the top of the gemstone hierarchy. The blue they possess is rich, velvety, and serenely soft. Originally discovered in 1882, the stones were so plentiful the locals would use them as flint stones.


Crysoberyl and alexandrite actually belong to the same gemological family. Known in antiquity as oculus solis, "eye of the sun", this gem's sharply reflected ray of light produces the spectacular effect of an iris of a cat. The two main components in the value of a cat's eye are color and the eye. The best color for a cat's eye is called milk and honey.


Diamonds are the best known and most traded gemstone. Very few individuals collect white diamonds. One exception are individuals who collect D-Flawless diamonds. This is the ultimate "pure white ice" diamond.


Collectors are fascinated with emerald. This rare and exotic gem is also known as "green fire". Colombia is the main source of gem emerald. Emeralds are very included compared to most gemstones. Inclusions that would not be acceptable in ruby and sapphire are acceptable in emerald.


Although most people tend to think of sapphire as being blue, it actually comes in a kaleidoscope of colors. Besides blue, their hues can be orange-pink (padparadscha), pink, orange, yellow, golden, purple, green, white and color change. Of course, corundum that is red is ruby, when it is discovered any other color it is sapphire.