Explore The World Of LED Lights - Top Reasons Behind Their Popularity

Light-emitting diodes or LEDs are a kind of solid-state light that's durable and highly efficient. Whereas fluorescent lights have filaments in gas-filled bulbs, LEDs consist of small lenses or capsules that include heat-conducting tiny chips. These high-tech bulbs are versatile lighting gadgets, offering a useful and cost-effective lighting solution. In spite of all their benefits, these lights are not very common in the housing sector. The biggest reason behind this is that they're costlier than CFL light bulbs. However, they'll gain a lot of popularity in the next 5 years or so.

On the universal level, different countries of the world introduced strategies for phrasing out CFL bulbs. Last year, the cost of LED lights dropped by almost 50 percent. Technically speaking, the energy efficiency of these bulbs doubled in the last 3 years. Formerly, these lighting systems found their use in decorative and accent lighting. Today, you find them in domestic and business set-ups as well.

Thanks to improved technology, there's a range to LED light bulbs, which makes them a viable option for commercial as well as domestic lighting.

Lower power usage

LED lights can convert almost 80 percent of their power consumption into light, making them a cost-effective lighting choice. Conversely, traditional bulbs can convert only 10 percent of their energy consumption, resulting in 90 percent power loss.

Longer lifetime

One can expect LED lights to last for a longer time, almost 100,000 hours. So, even if you switch on your bulbs for eight hours a day, it'll last for 20 years or so. Naturally, they call for minimum maintenance - something highly beneficial for office or commercial settings.

Durable and compact design

These lights are generally compressed or compacted, allowing higher adaptability in smart light fittings. Moreover, there's no fragile inner part; this makes them resilient to cold, heat and shock.

Safe and secured choice

In contrast to traditional lighting systems, LED bulbs function at lower temperatures. Naturally, there's no shock or heat hazard for kids and pets. The installation process is easy, and its complete safe to handle.

Tough and durable

Besides being shock and weather resistant, these lights are highly durable and long-lasting. What's more, they can endure intense high and low temperatures, way more effectively than traditional bulbs. This makes them a good choice for outhouse lighting as well.

Green and eco-friendly

When compared to traditional lighting set-ups, LED lights are greener and more eco-friendly. The reason behind this is that they don't contain poisonous elements like mercury. Besides, they have the reusable or recyclable characteristic.